Friday, December 26, 2008
Wii...Incredible...Have you tried one?
I am mesmerized by the technology. It is INCREDIBLE!!! It works on your movements, goes online, does so many things I can't believe it. I started wanting one months ago after listening to my neighbor talk about how much fun she was having with the Wii Fit.
Then I heard this great story about Wii bowling on Thanksgiving. A family hanging out together, their mother has MS and is confined to a wheelchair. She did the bowling too, and they laughed and had a great family time. That sealed my wish for getting one.
I am truly blown away by the technology. You can even do your email and surf the web on it! I even played the games...not something I normally would do, but I had a great time! I was hoping I would be better on the Wii than I am in real life-but no..still the lowest bowling score in the group. If you haven't tried it you really should. I am so excited about it, I never thought such things could be possible!! Check out I am a Wii-Tard .
What was your favorite gift this year?
I hope 2009 is better to all of us. I am ready...are you??
Also visit My very own Wii Store!!!
"God Bless Us...EVERYONE"
Success Consultant
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Blogging, Article Marketing on STEROIDS
I share what I know to help others.You can view some of the new tools for marketing on my website, Guruette On The Net.
I am working with an incredible group of people to get started on TEACHING online marketers some of my tricks. It will put your Blogging or article marketing on STEROIDS, and you won't even have to do anything but post like you do now. I am talking about Quikonnex (name derived from Quick Connects).
The tools they develop are truly GENIUS and can do so much for any marketer. The benefits seem to just happen without too much effort on your part. Your Blog or Articles will be presented in RSS and syndicated without any effort from you at all. You get the benefit without having to know anything about it! I will be teaching some applications to majorly increase the RSS benefit with a "secret ingredient" and hope you will subscribe to my channel for upcoming news.
Another incredible benefit is desktop to desktop 2 WAY communication. Remember DeskTopLightening?? You could send messaes to your downline and only received messages from your control on your part. The Deskview system (comes with the Quikonnex package) provides for two way desktop to desktop communication, and even saves your messages like an inbox. It offers a virus free environment, not only for communications but browsing the web as well. People reading your Blog or Article can not only leave comments, but communicate with you directly.
I will be writing for my channel with help for anyone that is SERIOUS about marketing. I will also be promoting the NEW Worshiper, an incredible Branded Desktop Application developed by Quikonnex . The Worshiper came out a little over a year ago, and because of some personal issues I was unable to do it justice. That won't happen again, because I LOVE Christian rock, and I want to send it around the world! We will even have streaming radio from my favorite station!! When you see how it works you will see how it can be utilized to build a team, offer training and motivation-you name it. It will be a great way to see the capabilities of a BDA (branded desktop application) for your own business. It offers a closed system for your team to use for TRAINING, communication-the possibilities are endless. When it is ready I'll be back to tell you about it.
I look forward to helping others online improve their businesses, I hope you'll come along!! You can get started by subscribing to my channel through the Quikonnex link and keep an eye out for what is coming. It's free to subscribe and will let you start learning a few great things on your own!
Have an awesome day, God Bless YOU!
Marianne McEachern
Success Consultant
Guruette On The Net
Key Words: article marketing, Blogging, internet marketing, branded desktop application, training
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Multi-media course on Blogging
I'm evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they're letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.
It covers:
- The best blogging techniques.
- How to get traffic to your blog.
- How to turn your blog into money.
I'll let you know what I think once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it's still free.
Have a GREAT day, and God bless you!
Success Consultant
PS If you want some marketing tools for the PROS and info to really get targeted traffic, visit me at Guruette On The Net.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
How I Became the Guruette On The Net
I started "working" on the Internet in the early 90's. I truly watched Internet business and marketing develop. I watched the rise of all of the Gurus online, who so cleverly get you to build their list and sell their products while making you think you are building your own list and making some money being their affiliates. You know them-kind of the "Brat Pack" of online business and marketing-relatively young, great looking, smart and enthusiastic, etc.
My first money came from an affiliate travel program with "Hotel-Discounts.Com" and I'm not sure they are even still in existence as that same company any longer, but I made $650 in one month using their banner and I thought I was really onto something.
I have always known the Internet would be a vital part of business, any business. Television and Radio..ADVERTISING would be a big part of the Internet too. Not just for online businesses but offline as well. After all isn't Advertising responsible for the Superbowl?? For the evening news, for every show you watch? Anyway-this is getting out of my story-so back to it.
I quietly worked programs, met others online through my efforts doing the same. I began to wonder who the REAL gurus were..the "Brat Pack" or those of us quietly developing what online network marketing is now. We were learning the best traffic methods, trying out things-you know, learning by trial and error. When I decided to put my own site up a few years ago I decided to be a Guru too-in an irreverent way. Guruette seemed OK-does it mean small when you add "ette" to a word, or female?? I didn't care, but there weren't many (and still aren't) female members of the "Brat Pack" so I figured why not me?? I had the scars and knowledge to back it up, even if no one knew I existed. So basically as a personal jab or maybe even triumph, I made myself the Guruette On The Net.
Has it helped me? Well, I enjoy my fact I love it. Do many people do a search for guruette? No, not really, but hey I am still number one on that And now I offer services to help people get good organic placements in the search engines for the keywords of their choice. I know a lot about how to generate traffic. I love the Internet, I love business and I love the combination.
That's my story and I am stickin' to it!
Have a great Labor Day weekend, God bless you!
Success Consultant
Friday, August 29, 2008
Want to become a more successful Internet Marketer?
read more | digg story
Friday, July 04, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Old School RULES
For online business there are many ways to generate traffic and leads. The conversion is up to your sales letter or web site. You can bring them, but you cannot force them to buy/signup or even leave their info. I am a traffic generation specialist. I utilize everything I can to generate traffic and good serps (listing in "SEARCH ENGINE RESULTS PAGE"). At we do an outstanding job for our clients. For those that recognize the VALUE of good serp placement we are the ultimate...for the price. where am I going with this? Old School versus New School Traffic. I have written previous posts on traffic exchanges. They are OLD SCHOOL-some of the original means of site promotion when mlm started really picking up online. I use them, both the manual and auto surf formats. They serve a very specific function, and both have hundreds of thousands of followers.
Many surf exchange owners try to add a new twist here and there to keep surfers interested. Most have affiliate programs and you can generate some nice monthly income from them as well as generating traffic. Some even offer returns on your purchases of traffic and are paying really well. If your lead capture page pushes the RIGHT BUTTONS you will get leads from traffic exchanges. Pushing the RIGHT BUTTONS is the conversion factor of your ad copy. AND traffic exchanges do provide traffic for your site. Traffic affects your Alexa rating which indirectly affects your page rank! (That is the true function of auto surfs!!) If you own your own site and domain name that traffic can really help you.
I am partnering with Steve Pershall to start a new manual traffic exchange. We haven't really finished setting it up, but you are welcome to join me and see it develop. 2EZ2BuildTraffic will be part of the 2EZ2 product line, 2EZ2Host and 2EZ2Build for auto responders are two of the other products currently online. We will be offering discounts on the services to members of the traffic exchange, so join us and see what other products we bring on!
Safelists are the other OLD SCHOOL method of increasing traffic and leads for your business. Safelists also have hundreds of thousands of followers. Many newbies are overcome with mail volume and just burn out on this method of marketing. But if you aren't using it you are missing out! My own e-Guide on safelist marketing can show you how to EFFECTIVELY utilize safelists in just 10 minutes a day. You do have to have some good emails ready to use. Some online programs furnish pre-written ones, which are OK-but you need your OWN subject line to stand out in the crowd. Safelisters love freebies, so offering something of VALUE can get you a great increase in subscribers to your Blogs, leads for your business and excellent TRAFFIC. If it's something you have stayed away from...better rethink it. Safe email is still the number one marketing method online. You can start building your own list for safe emailing too.
Have a GREAT day, and God bless you!
Success Consultant
myLot User Profile
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Updates and News
If you are interested in more info the WEBINAR can be heard here:
but keep in mind, this all still in BETA and being made available through the SpiderWebSystem which you can join with me for free. I truly believe this will help a lot of people.
Old school Internet Marketing combined with Social Marketing can really generate traffic and leads for your service or opportunity. Old school is primarily Traffic Exchanges and Safelists. They are still very effective ahd thousands, no hundreds of thousands of online marketers participate and if you aren't among them you are losing out on many potential leads. I utilize these for myself and my clients. I have also been a major participant as an owner and partner at Christian Auto Surf, which unfortunately I have now resigned from, as I have no ability to respond to members needing help and my (ex) partner disappears regularly, so the service is non-existent. This has happened three times-so -three strikes and I am OUT! However I will be joining Steve Pershall, a long time online associate to launch 2EZ2BuildTraffic, a new manual surf exchange. We will be bringing more marketing tools on as part of a "2EZ2" product line that will hopefully make it "2EZ2" be online with your business! I hope you will give us a try when we are ready to go!
My eGuide is reduced and can help you generate a TON of traffic as well as some new revenue streams if you choose to try it and give it away to your current contacts. Give it a try-it DOES work and you may be surprised at the results. It has worked successfullly for me for over 13 years!
That's it for now-Have a GREAT week and God Bless YOU!
Success Consultant
Saturday, May 03, 2008
WOW-it has been a while!
Safe Email Marketing
Today has been a restful day, and I've been updating Blogs like crazy!! Ever have those kind of days? I have literally played online almost all day. And by Played I mean checked out Blogs I like, sites I find interesting, signed up for a few freebies-you know, played!
Have you seen the New Web 2.0 site, you know the one from CashBlaster LLC that is offering to share a million dollars with the pre-launch members. Does it remind anyone besides me of "The Power of 10"???
I am also enjoying some real PROFITS at ASDCashGenerator and invite you to give that a try as well.
If you need any Web 2.0 marketing services, articles or press releases don't forget to come see the Guruette Duet at We are a dynamite duet-and we'll get you where you need to be!
Have a GREAT week, God bless you,
Success Consultant
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Traffic Exchanges Part 2
In my previous Traffic Exchange post I told you the difference between Auto and manual surf traffic. Let’s face it, traffic exchanges offer the BEST FREE ADVERTISING on the planet! So if you aren’t using them for at least 20 minutes a day you are missing out. On what? Traffic for yourself, keeping in touch with what is happening on the Web in online business, and finding some great communities.
I also mentioned starting over. That’s the case for Christian Auto Surf
, too. I have been a partner in that program since it first began and helped launch it. I have however resigned, and am only a member there now.
It’s tough to be a partner with people online. They disappear, come back, do things you have NO CONTROL over. (Who needs control anyway?? God is the only one in REAL control here.) We have been shut down by PayPal, shut down by web hosts, you name it. We are now part of the VS-10 network, and the quality of our traffic has truly multiplied exponentially!! Your sites are shown on other exchanges in the network, too so you get some great benefits without having to join anyone else.
However, yes, we are starting over again for about the 4th time in two years. If you were ever a member, please re-sign up! We have always been blessed in starting over, we just get new members with no effort at all! It’s a good thing too, because our member data base keeps getting erased.
We offer manual AND auto surfing. We rotate inspirational sites and general online business sites, and the traffic delivery is outstanding. If you have your own domain and want to help your ALEXA traffic rankings, we are for you. If you prefer manual exchanges, we are for you. Don’t miss out. Join me today for some of the BEST traffic online-Christian Auto Surf.
Not starting over but just starting out is 2EZ2BuildTraffic, a new exchange trying to get started. I am partnering with Steve Pershall, an online friend to get this started. He runs a dynomite autoresponder and hosting service ( is already there!). It’s goal is to be a one stop shop for traffic generation. Join now to see the coming developments-we have some GREAT plans!
A little off topic, but still TRAFFIC generation-I have published my own “plan” for safelist marketing. Give it a try and add to your traffic and leads. Guruette On The Net It’s an economical marketing plan, you could have it all set up this weekend and be ready to rock ‘n roll with a good campaign on Monday. (Did you know Monday and Tuesday were the highest spending days on the Web of every week?? (from a Marketing Sherpa report) So take advantage!)
I also have an online business survey-only takes a couple of minutes - how about checking it out?
Have a GREAT day, and God bless you!
Success Consultant
Friday, February 15, 2008
Ever feel SABOTAGED??
Sometimes it seems like the ANGELS OF THE INTERNET are on vacation when it comes to your own marketing and promoting efforts. I recently published my own Safelist Marketing Plan, only to be contacted that my PayPal was shut down. Here's a word of warning...DollarBlaster is a NO NO.
In my usual fashion, I joined something to help a friend. I know you've seen it, Dollar Blaster pages run on traffic exchanges and all over the place. They offer some marketing tools (I figured it was a no lose proposition) but PayPal shut my account down because it generates an affiliate page link with YOUR paypal address. I don't market it, the owners of the website are invisible-no responses to email and no means of contact. The program is a total RIP OFF, a cheap one, but the penalties are horrendous! Paypal won't even let you terminate your account until it is no longer associated with that site. What a pain!!! The urls look like: (not meant to be a real link, just to give you the info.
Whatever you do AVOID it like the PLAGUE!!!! It seems like the harsh world of Internet Marketing always kicks you when you're down. Well-perseverence wins-so hang in there!
Have a GREAT day and God BLESS YOU!
Success Consultant
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Traffic Exchanges
If you own your own website they also help you with traffic rankings on Alexa which in a round about way helps you with your page ranking. Manual exchanges provide traffic and viewers, auto surfs provide the same, but sometimes without the viewers. People can just run an auto surf without needing to look at the sites, but that still provides a valuable service to those wanting to improve rankings, more so than the manual exchanges because the VOLUME of traffic provided is much greater.
In my previous post, I commented on Starting Over..Again and a couple of traffic exchanges sort of doing that too.
The first one, ASDCashGenerator really did something not many companies online have ever survived. They started out as Ad Surf Daily, a pay to surf site that was delivering some great returns!! The software however wasn't calculating the returns properly, it was over compensating the advertisers and they closed the site for rebuilding. That usually is a sure sign of DEATH online. They remained closed for quite a while, and came back as ASDCashGenerator. A lot of the original members are back and involved pretty heavily. They are launching a Spanish site which has stimulated incredible backing and interest and provided some excellent returns for ASD members. It is a manual exchange and requires surfing daily to get a return (rebate) on your own ad packages.
The owner and President, Andy Bowdoin, started with offline promotions so many of the sites you visit aren't the standard Internet -MLM-what's the hottest thing going. It is refreshing to see new sites. In order to get rebates on your own ad packages, you are required to view 24 sites a day so at 15 seconds each it doesn't require a lot of work or time. The payback is your original purchase price and 25%. Better than most things going. If you were previously a member you still have an account and your original investment in ad packages, so you better get back into it. If you haven't tried it, it's a great way to generate a good advertising budget and promote your own web site at the same time. You can even add to your income by inviting others to join and do the same.You can even join for free just like any other traffic exchange and earn viewings for your own site by surfing. I encourage you to give it a try-it has beaten the odds as an online program, now isn't our turn to do the same?
More on Traffic Exchanges next time! I am sharing my own secrets on Safelist Marketing and trying to help a friend. So let's help each other and make 2008 a GREAT year for your business.
I have put together my own "routine" for safelist marketing. I have been doing it for over 12 years, and teaching online marketers how to help their businesses in teleconferences for the last couple of years. So give it a try and add to your traffic and leads. Visit me at Guruette On The Net and get your copy of "Make Money with Power Safelisting" and let me know about your results.
Have a GREAT day, and God bless you!
Success Consultant
Friday, January 25, 2008
I am starting over...Again
In an effort to START OVER I have written an e-guide to help myself, YOU, and a friend and online hero!!
You've seen the standard "sales letter" or site for the $7.00 reports, right?
"Why am I letting this incredible info go for $7?
1. $7 puts the report within reach of the vast majority of people. It's not too expensive for even the humblest beginning online businessperson.
2. Anyone who's not serious enough about their marketing efforts in 2008 to invest $7 into this report isn't going to take the time to use the methods laid out in the report anyway.
3. Anyone who is serious enough to put down the price of a fast food dinner and buy this report has the opportunity to create similar results and start seeing $7 sales in their PayPal account. " I didn't put it on my own you think it is required?? Maybe I need to reconsider....
Anyway, visit me at Guruette On The Net and get one of the MOST economical and responsive marketing plans for your online business. You will really be helping yourself the most!!
Ever wonder why you help people, and then when you could use a little they are nowhere to be found?? I've joined most online opportunities to help someone. Do they reciprocate?? What do you think?
Have a GREAT day, and God bless you!
Marianne Success Consultant