Thursday, March 30, 2006
Re-Launch in Progress-SOOOO AWESOME
Our 3x8 forced matrix will provide a steady residual income, and our direct pay (your down line pays you directly) platform has additional training, 50-70,000 leads a DAY, and some great profit making modules.
I LOVE it!! There is NOTHING like it on the web today. Check us out! You will be part of our Re-Launch PRE-LAUNCH, get a great position and help us get running smoothly. Don't miss this! It is the BEST MARKETING SYSTEM on line. It IS NOT a get rich quick proposition. Why a Re-Launch? We are making the PERFECT marketing system better-we added an AWESOME INCOME OPPORTUNITY to it.
For the first time EVER, iPowerDirect makes ALL of the BEST tools and resources available on the internet to take any business to the NEXT LEVEL. These are the tools that until now have been reserved only for the pros to MAXIMIZE THEIR RESULTS and earn thousands every month! Now, that POWER is YOURS! Use it to Maximize YOUR SUCCESS, we'll help you!!
Our Thursday night Feeder Direct calls are fun, informative and a great way for you to learn and invite your current downlines to help them-their success is YOUR success, too. Join us, you'll be glad you did!!
Have an awesome day-take that step to improve your future.
Marianne McEachern
Success Consultant
Thursday, March 16, 2006
New Marketing Systems/Programs On Line
Hitch Hiker’s Guide to Profits is really excellent, very powerful system and requires concentration and set up time. It can be used to learn to market your own program as well-some neat little tricks.
Marketing is a little different than PROMOTING. I read a good article recently defining the difference. Almost every program out there offers you a way to PROMOTE your membership or affiliate links, but marketing is really an art, maybe more a science. It requires testing, knowing your target markets, a little creativity-you get the idea. Ads-Xchange is a great place to perfect your ad writing skills, if you are a MARKETER.
Check it out-it's really HEATING UP!
A new one coming on line in APRIL is a MARKETER’s DREAM!!! You won’t believe the resources that will be available, or the income opportunity. So BE WATCHING!
Hope to see you in the ADS! Have an awesome day, God Bless YOU!
Success Consultant
Friday, March 10, 2006
It's so AWESOME to be part of this!!
We have been growing our first month of operation and have made our first contribution, here is part of the testimony from our recipient:
My name is Maddy Schwartz and since 1993, I have had severely limited physical capabilities. I lost all hope when I became 24 years old and received the devastating report that I would die from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease). I have also been diagnosed with Lyme Disease to complicate things further.
Ads-Xchange not only helped me with financial assistance to open doors for my dream of the necessary stem cell operation, it has also opened other prospects. I have been given the financial success opportunity that Ads-Xchange offers. Where else can you advertise your business, create a financial income while giving to much needed charities, all at the same time.
So this is my most sincere THANK YOU – for helping to support my dreams. My future now holds bright possibilities and I would like to acknowledge Ads-Xchange for their contributions. Thanks to Dr. Jay, Nate Boyd, all of the Ads-Xchange coordinators and Ads-Xchange affiliates for giving me a second chance to get my life back. I have been truly blessed!
I believe we will eventually be making NEWS, not just on line but off as well with our contributions-it's an awesome thing to be part of it!! The next program will be contributing to charities also just as Ads-Xchange is doing. It will be totally UNIQUE, nothing on the web like it and will offer the MOST comprehensive marketing resource center on line-NO CONTEST-COMING APRIL 2nd!!!. Think it over, We would love to be part of YOUR future success. We could help our members attain a monthly income, help the world be a better place, and help each other grow as marketers.
Don't forget, there really is big money in TEXT ADS-Howard Moreland is LIVING PROOF!! Ads-Xchange can help you learn to write those ads that really attract and convert visitors to buyers!! It's a great opportunity-don't let it get away!!
Have an awesome day!! God BLESS YOU!
Marianne McEachern
Success Consultant
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Big Money In Text Ads
I would highly recommend you joining if you haven't, the offers are incredible and they WORK!!
Take a LOOK here:
![]() Steal a real "Internet Multimillionaire's" business **WITH HIS PERMISSION!** Legendary Internet Marketer and Multimillionaire, Howard L Moreland is giving away his business to you! You'll instantly get:
To get started (with NO obligation of course) just Click here! |
His LIST is pure GOLD, and yes my testimony is on the page!! SEE for YOURSELF
But maybe you want to use text ads in your own promotions for your own programs. Text ads are one of the most cost effective ways to advertise on the net. If you can write great text ads and know where to place them, you are ready to make real money on the internet. (Like Howard-he's a MILLIONAIRE!)
It hasn't been as simple as you think to earn money by text ads, until NOW! Perfect your skills at Ads-Xchange and Make Money at the Same TIME!! You'll be ready for Ad-Words or any other marketing campaigns. Place as many ads as you like-you'll know if they work by watching the stats. Lot's of hits but no sales?? Then your subject line is good but your ad is weak. Not many hits? Change the subject line. Invite a few friends to learn with you, only takes three to cover the cost of the tools you get. I am honored to be a coordinator on this site, and am looking forward to making money, seeing some of my favorite charities make money, and sharing it with you!! Check out our Charities Here.
I would love to help all of you make money, not only at Ads-Xchange but with your own product or program. (Including Howard's Affiliate program-it's really good and free to try!) I want to be a millionaire like Howard, writing great text ads and knowing where to place them. Don't YOU???
Have an awesome week, God bless you!!
Success Consultant