Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Great Article From My Partner-Outsourcing to Internet Marketing Experts!
Most of the information available is focused on how successful John Q. has become, as a result of joining this or that income opportunity. They talk about what they have, what they get to do, but not many tell you what they did to get there. Sure, they tell you that there was no work involved, but is that really true? (What...? They just signed up, paid the fee, and money just started flowing in like magic?)
Wake Up! Building a business, any kind of business, even a lemonade stand, requires effort. Even little children know that.
First the stand itself needs to be set up, next the lemonade must be made, and finally, they must advertise! They make a sign, and talk to everyone who walks by, inviting them to buy a refreshing drink, for a fair price. Their eagerness being so sincere and apparent, people just can't stop themselves from buying a drink. They [kids] know they need to do some work to achieve their goal, and they get after it! Kids know how to do business.
So then, why do adults have such a hard time wrapping their brains around the concept? There are hundreds, perhaps thousands of otherwise intelligent adults, out there looking for free money.
To run any business, you have to do some work. Sure, you've got a great web site, but it won't do you any good, if you don't put it in front of others' eyeballs. You have to get people to the web site, effectively, efficiently, and repeatedly.
Most would-be entrepreneurs are too exhausted at the end of the day, or never seem to have an end of the day; don't know how to, or don't want to make the effort to do what is needed to get people to their web sites to generate interest and sales.
I don't care what kind of spectacular follow-up software, or systems you have in place, if you don't get eyeballs to your web site, none of that matters. Auto dialing systems... People hate them. How can they generate anything but irritation, if people hate them? Invariably, you will have to speak to someone, present your opportunity and hopefully have some paperwork to do.
Something to consider, in solving this problem is to hire your marketing out. Hire someone to do all of the marketing tasks you don't know how to do, have time, or inclination for, for you. That's what big business does. They hire an advertising agency to market their business. They hire market analysts to study trends and make recommendations. They hire out! And, that is why they ARE BIG Business.
If you don't know what you're doing, you should delegate it to someone who does. You hire an expert when it comes to taxes, legal matters, home or auto repairs, and buying property, don't you?
Find an Internet marketing expert and get the job done. Hire a writer to write for you. You've got the business opportunity, make it your own, not just some replicated sales page. Make it unique. Offer something that no one else is offering.
Investing in your business is the only way you'll ever see a return. Whether you invest time, money or both, you must invest something in your business to realize any progress. Stop thinking about hands-off riches, and start thinking like a business owner.
Some thing for nothing... It's a lie. How much do you want to give someone for nothing in return? Every time I see the word FREE, I want to puke! In business, you have to pay to play. If you want to sit at the grown-up's table, you have to earn it.
Copyright © 2007The Trii-Zine Ezinehttp://www.ezines1.com/
About the Author: Trina L.C. Sonnenberg - Internet Marketing ExpertPublisher -
The Trii-Zine Ezine - Your Trusted Source for Internet Business and Marketing Information. Serving online professionals since 2001. ISSN# 1555-2276 http://www.ezines1.com/triizine
Author of: My Journey, A Lifetime of Verse http://stores.lulu.com/triizine
Internet Marketing Mavens http://internetmarketing-mavens.com/
Keywords: Internet marketing expert, business opportunity, income opportunity
Sunday, September 30, 2007
The Guruette Duet

Success Consultant and Your Guruette On The Net
Monday, June 11, 2007
My on line Hero
Madeline (Maddy) is the bravest, sweetest spirited human I know!!
BROOKLYN, NEW YORK - While Madeline Schwartz has severely limited physical capability, it has put no limits on her achievement in life. Graduated June 2005, Madeline Schwartz has overcome five medical misdiagnosis, obtained her degree, helped change legislation regarding disabled access to educational texts, and been elected. She married her husband Mark and is currently learning her third language which is, Italian. As Madeline herself says, "I am proof that the mind is the most powerful tool of all."
Madeline was born in Puerto Rico and came to NY in 1994 seeking medical treatment for diagnosed ailment that has left her with limited physical capability. She has had five misdiagnoses since arriving, including Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease) due to the rare symptoms of her ailment. The last diagnose was Lyme disease; although doctors are still unsettled with the diagnosis. She operates a power wheelchair using gross motor function of her shoulder muscles; she has little to no use of the fine motor function of her hands and no use of her legs. However, she has never allowed the situation to change her personality, keeping her positivity and mental strength throughout.
Unable to use her arms, Madeline uses a "head mouse" with an onscreen word prediction to type her papers, as well as utilizing "Dragon" speech-recognition technology. The Home bound program provides computers, video conferencing, softboards (Where as a teacher writes on a board in a physical classroom on campus, she can follow perfectly from home, also saving the material and studying at her own pace) and other types of telecommunication technology to communicate with students directly from the classroom.
While her physical disabilities do challenge Madeline Schwartz, they don't stop her from heading full steam ahead, both achieving personal goals and working tirelessly for change for everyone who lives with disabilities. "I have come to understand how powerful anyone, and in this case students, can be when we are organized for change," Madeline says. "It is especially important for students with disabilities to be organized and have a voice. This, of course, is not always easy as students with different disabilities have different needs. We are most certainly not one homogeneous group."
To that end, Madeline is Chair of the CUNY Coalition for Students with Disabilities and Former President of Queensborough's Homebound Student Organization. The CUNY Coalition was created to be a lobby and a voice for CUNY's disabled student population. "It's not easy to advocate for yourself," Madeline says, adding that disabled students are more likely to feel isolated and overlooked than the general student population. She has also served as the President of Queensborough Student Organization for several years and as a Homebound mentor.
Schwartz was instrumental in a campaign that helped pass E-text legislation, which has made textbooks available in alternative formats for students with disabilities. "The computer is essential for my career and future success because it opens up doors to independency for a person who is physically disabled," she wrote in a letter to Senator Hillary Clinton, working to get the legislation passed. "The problem that I am currently facing is that I am unable to have complete access to my books for college."
The problem had a very simple solution, but that solution involved the changing of legislation, never an easy task. Still, Chapter 219 of the Education Laws of 2003 was conceived, so that it is mandatory for publishers to provide digital versions of educational texts. "I believe that people with physical difficulties should have the same rights as everyone else," Schwartz says, "especially when my purpose is to be somebody useful in society and to be a part of society." She has also recently testified at City Hall regarding CUNY access for disabled students.
Her ultimate goal? She is interested in a career in the travel and tourism industry with a vocational center, and fully intends to walk again and would love to have a family. At the present, medical resources are very limited for a cure. Stem Cell Treatment is the only hope for individuals like Madeline. She has been chosen for an experimental treatment in California, one I hope to help her raise funds for.
Here are a few of Maddy's sites:
http://www.caribbeanafricanunity.com/ A sight she built for a prisoner
http://www.latinamericatoday.net/ One of her blogs
http://www.orble.com/memoirs-of-a-black-cat/ Another of her Blogs
http://www.orble.com/abilities-for-disabilities/ A very important blog of hers.
http://www.mybookwise.com/madelineschwartz/ One of her current online opportunities to earn money.
http://madelineschwartz.avonrepresentative.com/ Another of her online opportunities
http://www.stempac.com/stories/?storyId=5978793 Same additional information about Maddy
She is a creative, beautiful, talented, courageous woman. Join me in supporting her online efforts if you can, visit her blogs, add comments (although she does pretty well at accomplishing that herself!!)
We will be opening an online specialty directory for Maddy, too. http://www.disabilitiesassist.com Help us spread the word. Proceeds from the site will help Maddy get that experimental treatment she needs.
Have a GREAT day, God bless you!
Your Guruette On The Net

Friday, June 08, 2007
Main Marketing Event 3
Come on, you've see it everywhere on the net. Every Guru is competing with the biggest bonus offer to get you to sign up for this incredible package.
I can honestly recommend it, as I know the developers personally! So if you really want to work at home, you can take your Home Business to THE limit with this product. If you want your Home Business to be a REAL business you need this. It has a Multi Level Admin Management feature that your business NEEDS to succeed. Face it, no one can do it all alone.
Even Robert Puddy had to admit it might be better than his own product...no kidding, I have the email he sent to prove it.
I can only say, if you haven't checked it out, do so now. It will only be available until June 13th the way it is now. The benefits to getting the package before then are totally astounding! So check it out NOW, and get the advantage on the Web that you deserve!!!
I'll throw in a surprise bonus of my own that will help you grow your online business.
Have a GREAT day, God bless you!
Your Guruette On The Net

Monday, May 21, 2007
Finally..Affordable Guides to Help
From the desk of Marianne McEachern, Guruette On The Net
It's here. How to make more and spend less time, the dream of allonline marketers.
And it won't be here much longer...
=> AFFiliate_Commandments
Places are limited - and the material inside explains why99% of ClickBank affiliates fail...
It also explains why 9/10 of Adwords campaigns fail, why youseem to always promote the wrong product... and far, far more.
The manual includes an advanced 95% accurate version of the"Copy The Best" method inside top affiliate manuals such asDay Job Killer, Adwords Miracle and Affiliate Project X. It'sliterally a definitive rule-book for affiliates in 2007.
But you are in luck, access has been extended to claim your copy,and the bonus...
=> Affiliates_Commandments
If the other top affiliate guides wereout of your reach because of the $47-$97 price tags thenyou are in for a VERY nice surprise - the price is under10 bucks but remember it's only available for 48 hours soget over here now: Affiliate_Commandments
Visit http://www.gcdetective.com/index.php?affid=97 and download a GREAT free report to compliment what you learn from the AFFILIATE COMMANDMENTS!! (you can even make money giving it away..I even beat most of the "GURUS" on this one!)
Another New and complete Guide out right now is Adwords180. Its a little more (price wise)than Affiliate Commandments, and the early low price is over but it is still reasonably priced. It is more for marketers with a little experience.
It is unlike so many guides out there today which just explain the same old techniques over and over again. This product can offer real value to the growing number of Google Adwords users in the world today.
Most Adwords users are reeling from the continual changes implemented by Google. Costs per click are rising even through the use of advanced relevancy and landing page techniques simply because more and more people are realising the power on on-line advertising and Google Adwords in particular. Simply put, there is increasing competition in the on-line advertising space even without Google tightening the rules.
The ways of doing business on line are getting increasingly more difficult. You have to stay up to date to continue making the income we've all made in the past. These guides are necessities.
Have an AWESOME day and God Bless YOU!
Your Guruette On The Net
You can CASH in BIG TIME with what you learn in this report athttp://www.makemoney-notexcuses.com/ a higher end AFFILIATE Program!

Saturday, April 07, 2007
We're Still HERE...Where are they???
Here at iPowerDirect.net we provide the resources and tools to build any Home Business. We are still here, and still helping on line marketers learn new techniques for getting traffic, and growing their Home Businesses.
We continue to grow at a steady pace, and while we continue to help on line marketers, we wonder where did the others go?? I admit I join most of them, for at least a limited time to check out our so-called competition. But HONESTLY, no one comes close for the price. We are still the BEST VALUE on the net for building any Home Business.
Do you ever have to promote iPowerDirect? No, you can join us and just use the tools and resources. But you can also use us to help your current downline members duplicate the success iPowerDirect offers you. No one can succeed for you, you have to chose to succeed on your own, but we offer some great tools, resources, leads and training so that you can enjoy building a Home Business the RIGHT way. We also partner with some great providers to bring our members some great tools at incredible prices. Why?? Because we are on line marketers ourselves, using these same tools and resources to successfully build our own businesses.
I am proud to be part of the iPowerDirect team, and I invite you to see if we can't help your business. We will be launching iSearchNetwork in May, it will be the Internet Adventure of 2007!!!! Register now for early notification and get some great benefits!!
Have an awesome day!! God Bless you,
Your Guruette On The Net,
Success Consultant-Master Coordinator

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Isn't Under Cover Profits Cheating?
I have been in online marketing for well over 10 years now. I have always gone with maybe the Not-So-Popular programs, maybe even the not so popular marketing methods, but I have always been honest, and tried to help others and have done so with much Success. The tactics on line today are becoming totally cut-throat. Take for example UnderCoverProfits.
The original name was "Profit Thief", now that has been changed to
"UnderCover Profits". Places are capped at 300, and it's effectively a low-risk job-killer.
The software does some very clever stuff in a pretty nasty way. The elevator pitch is this:
You enter a list of keywords into the program, and it finds any affiliate's ads that are running for an extended period of time.
I hope that has just hit you like a *hammer* to the face.
Now you see why it WAS named "Profit Thief". My Day Job Killer and
Affiliate Project X buyers should already see the raw power of that statement.
If not , here's the logic, and you should really listen closely ...
ANY ad that is running on Adwords for a week or more is VERY likely
to be profitable. It could be a $50/week earner, or a $500 a week
find. Either way, you want to take a campaign that has been running
for a while, and "steal it". Copy the ad, the product, and kick the
affiliate out of the game. It's vicious, it's Adwords the Project
X / Day Job Killer way. Nasty. Actually fairly easy to do-with
Under Cover Profits.
If you think the price is high, that's because it is. "Too powerfulto under price", John said. And remember, you can cancel at anytime. You won't want to, but just so you have that piece of mind. Ihave already told you it's got job-killing potential ($100 per dayis easy with UCP)..Affiliates, Adwords users, all of you: it's time to take action...
What do you think of this?
Is this the ULTIMATE cut throat approach? I am sure you WILL make money
following it but how will you feel about yourself?
Let me hear it from you! When you make money with this approach-how do you feel about it?

Monday, March 12, 2007
New Reports and Goodies EVERYDAY
Yes, for free. I tried it,how about you?
Michael Cobb & Soren Jordansen's Report on how to get FREE traffic and leads from Safelists came out today too. I tried it too, but I have to tell you, I'll be writing a sequel for them, as I have been a SUCCESSFUL Safelist marketer for years. It's a good start, but I don't agree totally with what they say.
Click Here To Download Your Copy Today http://www.SafelistSurvivalGuide.7p6.net and let me know what you think.
Just a word of warning, watch out for Cookies!! Especially if you use URL redirects like I do. I LOVE 7p6.net-if you visit read the article and you will see why. But make sure your primary URL works and goes to YOUR own affiliate page, as I have had some trouble with mine on "Dreams Not For Sale" by Tahir Shah. It's really disappointing to work for free because of your own error!! You can check this one out right here-I recommend it:
http://guruetterecommendsnohype.7p6.net/ (I hope I fixed it!!)
Have an awesome day-God bless you!
Your Guruette On The Net

Thursday, March 08, 2007
Dreams Not For Sale
Finally one with REAL Answers
I was excited to be asked to help Tahir Shah launchhis new E-Book. Why? Because it will REALLYhelp on line business owners like YOU that aretired of ALMOST making it.
"Dreams Not For Sale" is a no nonsense approach,one I can really recommend. It may have justthat one missing ingredient you've always beenon the edge of. Don't delay, today is the FIRSTday it's available, so get it and take advantageof the guidance for your success!!
This really is a must read, download your own copy today!
So get it right now from:
Order from me, forward a copy of your receipt toMMceach@time4me.com and I'll send you an awesome gift!!
Have an awesome day! God bless you,
Your Guruette On The Net
Success Consultant
P.S. Don't forget, Tahir is also giving you the 5 day E-Course($97 Value) for no cost as well!

Thursday, February 01, 2007
It's a been a While-but Look OUT 2007!!
I am also working on developing iSearchNetwork, it will be so INCREDIBLE I can't wait!! it will be a while to get all of the benefits and functionality put together, but it will truly know every one's socks off.
We have been doing some great classes at iPowerDirect for Niche Marketing, and even presenting it in such a way to "niche market" any program or product. I hope some of you will join us!! Thursday evenings, 7:00 EST. 712-580-7706 PIN885564#. We'll be talking about Social Bookmarking and tagging tonight-so please make notice of the tags at the end of this post!
There are quite a few EXCELLENT programs out right now for the Niche Marketer. CreateSalesPages and Build A Niche Store are two that really get my thumbs up!!
Join us on Thursday evenings, learn how to increase your TRAFFIC and INCOME!! We look forward to working with you in 2007, it's going to be an INCREDIBLE year!!
Have a GREAT day, God bless you1
Master Coordinator
Technorati Profile