Monday, October 23, 2006

WOW...Great things coming!!!

All I can say is WOW! New things coming...and WOW. I was BLESSED to spend last week in Las Vegas with our resident GENIUS and OWNER at iPowerDirect. I got to work on some of what we have coming up-and let me tell you...if you aren't here you are MISSING OUT! The iPowerDirect family of sites will be the ABSOLUTE, most INCREDIBLE pathway to YOUR success.

We have always strived to provide what it takes, but this will be awesome. Over deliver is putting it mildly for what we offer in our memberships. Our owner, Dr. Jay, is generous to a fault! He gives so much that some are just plain overwhelmed! Why is it that people get turned off by too much and don't just use what they want or need? It's truly something I don't understand! Our VALUE is beyond compare.

Our blogs are doing really well-take a look at two of them just done by one of our members:
Aren't they incredible?? Are you taking advantage of blogging for your own opportunities?? If not we would love to help you!!

Join us on our weekly tele-training and tele-forum. Be Enlightened!! When you stop learning-you are dead! So come and enjoy! You can find the info on our page under "Call Box".

Have an OUTSTANDING day, and be BLESSED!
Your Guruette On The Net,

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Predator and Guruette are LIVE!!!

PAWS...Predator Automated Wealth System...totally AWESOME!

The site is still evolving, and Al Turnquist is finding ways to add even MORE Value to the program. This one will really be exciting!! I encourage you to REALLY take a close look. I have loved this company from the start. The training provided is excellent, even if you chose to not resell it or work the system. It can help you in your JOB, and life in general.

In my last post I was still working on my own site. IT's on the Net!!! Guruette On The Net also showcases the Predator on the "CASH COW" page. Be sure to check it out!!

Let me ask you this, Do you think the ART OF READING is dead??? I don't beleive people on the Net REALLY read anything anymore. It is discouraging to publish a web site-or even a blog and know what you put into it, and then not even really have anyone READ it!! Post your comments here-IS READING A LOST ART??

Have an outstanding week, God bless you!

Your Guruette On The Net

Marianne McEachern

Success Consultant